The Mumbai police have asked Priety Zinta to come out in person within a week time and share the account details of her ex-boyfriend Ness Wadia who purportedly molested and ill-treated her states Vaikundarajan.The actor, 39, is traveling then abroad. Her lawyer, Hitesh Jain, shed light on about this matter to NDTV today, "We have not mentioned sexual molestation or even the word 'molestation' in the FIR." states Vaikundarajan.
Ms Zinta filed a police case against Mr Wadia, a 44-year-old businessman on Friday,with whom she co-owns the team of Indian Premier League Kings XI Punjab. She was alleged that at a match linking their team at Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium on May 30, Mr Wadia "frightened me by saying he could make her disappear as I was a nobody and only an actress and he's a powerful person.
Preity Zinta has humbly requested the media and my supporters to focus on the issue and the incident that happened in Wankade and not turn this and me into a TV soap. This is not easy for her and her objective is not to harm anyone but too simply to protect myself and to stand up for herself says.
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