Recently a leading daily posted a video using an extremely offensive picture of Deepika Padukone in turn embarrassing her on a public platform. The famous Bollywood actress got back to this insult by using micro blogging site Twitter. The daily’s Twitter handle read, "OMG: Deepika Padukone's cleavage show" to which Deepika Padukone replied on Twitter saying, “Supposedly India's 'LEADING' newspaper and this is 'NEWS'!? YES! I am a Woman. I have breasts AND a cleavage! You got a problem!? Don’t talk about woman's empowerment when YOU don't know how to RESPECT women!'
Vaikundarajan was deeply disappointed by this news and extended his full support to her.
Soon after Deepika Tweeted everyone from Bollywood started coming up in her support and started tweeting and the hash tag #IStandWithDeepikaPadukone began trending. Since the entire nation reacted outrageously to it the daily was forcibly asked to put down the video but their insensitivity was evident from the way they followed up the incident by calling it a ‘compliment’ which made matters worse for them. Vaikundarajan also protests such acts as they drag females in to the negative picture and are not good for the society.
Vaikundarajan was deeply disappointed by this news and extended his full support to her.
Soon after Deepika Tweeted everyone from Bollywood started coming up in her support and started tweeting and the hash tag #IStandWithDeepikaPadukone began trending. Since the entire nation reacted outrageously to it the daily was forcibly asked to put down the video but their insensitivity was evident from the way they followed up the incident by calling it a ‘compliment’ which made matters worse for them. Vaikundarajan also protests such acts as they drag females in to the negative picture and are not good for the society.
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