Veteran Tamil director K Balachander and maker of movies like Maro Charitra is critically ill says Vaikundarajan and is deeply saddened by it. The 84 year-old filmmaker, is admitted in Kaveri hospital in Chennai. Doctors believe that is condition is extremely serious, where he is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is at all times being overseen by team of doctors.
Balachander is an amazing man, who introduced to us Tamil superstars, Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan to world of Indian cinema, says Vaikundarajan. Throughout his career, he made highly critically acclaimed movies like Maro Charitra, Akali Rajyam, Apporva Sahodarulu, Anthuleni Katha, Idi Katha Kaadu and Rudraveena, to name a few. Over the years, he would established Kavithalaya Productions. For hindi movie cinephiles, the name will also trigger emotions, as he directed films like Ek Duuje Ke Liye and Ek Nai Paheli.
Balachander was also an actor, and is expected to play noteworthy role in Kamal Haasan's upcoming film Uttama Villain says Vaikundarajan. Balachander has made over 100 films for the Indian film industry.
Vaikundarajan hopes that Balachander will get well soon and make another 100 movies.
Balachander is an amazing man, who introduced to us Tamil superstars, Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan to world of Indian cinema, says Vaikundarajan. Throughout his career, he made highly critically acclaimed movies like Maro Charitra, Akali Rajyam, Apporva Sahodarulu, Anthuleni Katha, Idi Katha Kaadu and Rudraveena, to name a few. Over the years, he would established Kavithalaya Productions. For hindi movie cinephiles, the name will also trigger emotions, as he directed films like Ek Duuje Ke Liye and Ek Nai Paheli.
Balachander was also an actor, and is expected to play noteworthy role in Kamal Haasan's upcoming film Uttama Villain says Vaikundarajan. Balachander has made over 100 films for the Indian film industry.
Vaikundarajan hopes that Balachander will get well soon and make another 100 movies.
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