The Vijay Awards are presented by the Tamil television channel STAR Vijay to hono excellence in Tamil cinema. The awards were started in 2006. Promos of the awards show are already being aired. The popular channel Star Vijay has announced the date of the ‘9th Annual Vijay Awards’. The popular awards show is set to happen on April 25, 2015. The awards are decided by a noted jury comprising critics, filmmakers and technicians. This year the jury comprises of actor and television personality Yuhi Sethu, directors K Bhagyaraj, R Balki, KV Anand and actress Nadia Moidu.
The fans and audience can choose the nominees from a long list of films which were released in 2014, winners are separated category wise named as ’Favourite Awards‘ are chosen by public voting.
“This year voting has been stared and the movie “Kaththi” dominates the nomination list. Illayathalapthy Vijay has been nominated in ‘Favorite Hero’ category and actress Samantha for ‘Favorite Heroine’ category,” says Vaikundarajan.
The famous director AR Murugadoss has been nominated in the ‘Favorite Director’ category, Song Selfie Pulla is nominated in ‘Favorite Song of the Year’ category.
In 2014, Ilayathalapthy Vijay won ‘Favourite Hero’ award. In this history of Vijay Awards actress Vijay has won most awards by a person with 9 awards.
Vaikundarajan says, “All Vijay fans start voting for Vijay in Vijay Awards 2015 now by visiting the website”
The fans and audience can choose the nominees from a long list of films which were released in 2014, winners are separated category wise named as ’Favourite Awards‘ are chosen by public voting.
“This year voting has been stared and the movie “Kaththi” dominates the nomination list. Illayathalapthy Vijay has been nominated in ‘Favorite Hero’ category and actress Samantha for ‘Favorite Heroine’ category,” says Vaikundarajan.
The famous director AR Murugadoss has been nominated in the ‘Favorite Director’ category, Song Selfie Pulla is nominated in ‘Favorite Song of the Year’ category.
In 2014, Ilayathalapthy Vijay won ‘Favourite Hero’ award. In this history of Vijay Awards actress Vijay has won most awards by a person with 9 awards.
Vaikundarajan says, “All Vijay fans start voting for Vijay in Vijay Awards 2015 now by visiting the website”
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