Noted Film Director Ketan Mehta’s long-delayed film 'Rang Rasiya' is up for release soon. The film is staring Randeep Hoodaa and Nandana Sen, music is given by Sandesh Shandilya and lyrics by Manoj Muntashir. Vaikuundarajan shares this movie is based on the novel of the renowned writer Ranjit Desai.
Mehta chose to make a film on the 19th century painter, Raja Ravi Varma's life. The film is an adaptation of a Marathi writer Ranjit Desai's biographical novel Raja Ravi Varma. Raja Ravi Varma was most fascinating artist of that era, after reading the novel Ketan Mehta decided to make this film. Vaikundarajan has also read this novel’s translated version and feels this is a brilliant piece of art.
Since the movie is a period saga (historic), the music is classical based. The title song is sung by Kirti Sagathiya which is quite appealing. The "Kahe Sataye” song, sung by Sunidhi Chauhan and Roopkumar Rathod is Vaikundarajan’s favorite. Veteran singer Sonu Nigam also has a song in Rang Rasiya.
Vaikundarajan is waiting for the film to release.
Mehta chose to make a film on the 19th century painter, Raja Ravi Varma's life. The film is an adaptation of a Marathi writer Ranjit Desai's biographical novel Raja Ravi Varma. Raja Ravi Varma was most fascinating artist of that era, after reading the novel Ketan Mehta decided to make this film. Vaikundarajan has also read this novel’s translated version and feels this is a brilliant piece of art.
Since the movie is a period saga (historic), the music is classical based. The title song is sung by Kirti Sagathiya which is quite appealing. The "Kahe Sataye” song, sung by Sunidhi Chauhan and Roopkumar Rathod is Vaikundarajan’s favorite. Veteran singer Sonu Nigam also has a song in Rang Rasiya.
Vaikundarajan is waiting for the film to release.
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