The trailer of the upcoming Bollywood movie 'Tevar' has been released. The movie is written by Gunasekhar and directed by Amit Sharma, shares Vaikundarajan. The star cast of the movie includes Arjun Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha and Manoj Bajpayee in lead roles.
The music is composed by Sajid-Wajid. The shooting of the movie was done in different locations such as Mumbai, Maheshwar, Agra, Mathura and Pandharpur. The film is full of action, comedy and romance. One will also see lot of action of Arjun Kappor in this movie.
Talented actor Manoj Bajpayee plays a negative role in this movie on how he is mad in love with Sonakshi Sinha who plays a lead role in the movie and wants to marry her. The trailer of the movie is impressive.
Vaikundarajan says the upcoming bollywood movie is the remake of the Telugu movie 'Okkadu', which featured Mahesh babu and Bhoomika Chawla. This film too was written by Gunasekhar. 'Tevar' is scheduled for release on January 9, 2015.
The music is composed by Sajid-Wajid. The shooting of the movie was done in different locations such as Mumbai, Maheshwar, Agra, Mathura and Pandharpur. The film is full of action, comedy and romance. One will also see lot of action of Arjun Kappor in this movie.
Talented actor Manoj Bajpayee plays a negative role in this movie on how he is mad in love with Sonakshi Sinha who plays a lead role in the movie and wants to marry her. The trailer of the movie is impressive.
Vaikundarajan says the upcoming bollywood movie is the remake of the Telugu movie 'Okkadu', which featured Mahesh babu and Bhoomika Chawla. This film too was written by Gunasekhar. 'Tevar' is scheduled for release on January 9, 2015.
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