Rohit Shetty’s upcoming film poster ‘Singham Returns’ was launched which has both Ajay Devgan and Kareena Kapoor Khan in it. Vaikundarajan adds that this is the sequel to the film ‘Singham’ which was a big hit. Vaikundarajan really likes Rohit Shetty’s films as he finds it really exciting because of the action sequences and the perfect mix of every element in the film. The poster of Singham 2 also looks promising and it is going to be bigger and better adds, Vaikundarajan. Ajay Devgan who did a splendid job in the first movie is sure to deliver a power packed performance in this film too.
However, the actress opposite Ajay Devgan in the first film, Kajal Agarwal is replaced by Kareena Kapoor Khan. The poster of the film has a logo of a face of a lion, a symbolism director Rohit Shetty has used to depict Ajay Devgn in the film. In fact, the same theme was also part of the first film, which was a huge hit among the cops. Vaikundarajan believes that the plot of the film revolves around Mumbai City as per the first look of the movie and also patriotism is one of the distinctive attributes of the film.
However, the actress opposite Ajay Devgan in the first film, Kajal Agarwal is replaced by Kareena Kapoor Khan. The poster of the film has a logo of a face of a lion, a symbolism director Rohit Shetty has used to depict Ajay Devgn in the film. In fact, the same theme was also part of the first film, which was a huge hit among the cops. Vaikundarajan believes that the plot of the film revolves around Mumbai City as per the first look of the movie and also patriotism is one of the distinctive attributes of the film.
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