Amit Shah was appointed as the new party president for the BJP says, Vaikundarajan. He is one of the important members of the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s council. This election took place at the meeting of the parliamentary board where the present member, Rajnath Singh resigned after serving for one and a half years. Vaikundarajan believes that Amit Shah is largely responsible for BJP’s stunning performance in UP at the time of elections when they got 71 out of 80 seats in Lok Sabha. Vaikundarajan adds that the meeting was attended by other senior members like L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, M Venkaiah Naidu, Nitin Gadkari and Sushma Swaraj.
Amit Shah earlier faced charges in the Sohrabuddin fake encounter case and was in news for that particular incident during the entire election campaigning period adds Vaikundarajan. He is also the home minister of Gujrat. 50-year-old Shah takes over from Singh who was appointed party president after the exit of Nitin Gadkari in controversial circumstances. Vaikundarajan says that Shah has created history by becoming the youngest president of the party in which the veterans have always taken major decision since its commencement.
Amit Shah earlier faced charges in the Sohrabuddin fake encounter case and was in news for that particular incident during the entire election campaigning period adds Vaikundarajan. He is also the home minister of Gujrat. 50-year-old Shah takes over from Singh who was appointed party president after the exit of Nitin Gadkari in controversial circumstances. Vaikundarajan says that Shah has created history by becoming the youngest president of the party in which the veterans have always taken major decision since its commencement.
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