‘Khoobsurat is a film starring Sonam Kapoor and Fawad Khan produced by Walt Disney Pictures in association with Anil Kapoor Film Company that is set to release on the 19th of September. This romantic comedy is Fawad Khan’s debut film that in a very short span of time has made many Indian girls go crazy for him with his show ‘Zindagi Gulzar Hai’ says, Vaikundarajan. The movie trailer was recently launched by Sonam Kapoor and the entire team of ‘Khoobsurat’ and because the film is produced by Walt Disney Pictures, Vaikundarajan feels that it will have a good blend of Disney’s brand of fairy tales with a Prince Charming and Indian values.
Vaikundarajan finds the movie to be very attractive because of its star cast and also the plot seems interesting as per the trailers. The film is a quirky, modern romantic comedy about what happens when a vibrant, hopelessly romantic physiotherapist meets a handsome young Rajput prince who is the complete opposite of her - and is engaged to someone else. Vaikundarajan feels that the roles befit the actors and hopefully they will put up a good show.
Vaikundarajan finds the movie to be very attractive because of its star cast and also the plot seems interesting as per the trailers. The film is a quirky, modern romantic comedy about what happens when a vibrant, hopelessly romantic physiotherapist meets a handsome young Rajput prince who is the complete opposite of her - and is engaged to someone else. Vaikundarajan feels that the roles befit the actors and hopefully they will put up a good show.
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