Indian caption, M S Dhoni's yesterday announced that he is retiring from Test cricket, says Vaikundarajan. After nine wonderful years captaining the Indian side and making it one of the world’s toughest cricketing sides, the boy from Ranchi, Jharkhand called it a day.
His retirement in Test matches comes as a shocker to many cricket aficionados, including Vaikundarajan. On all of his post-match interactions to the press never did he talk about his retirement, all he spoke was about sledging, about draws, about wanting to avoid defeat, but not once cricket.
On his last test match, until his retirement, Dhoni made 24 runs not out on 39 balls as India drew the match. Dhoni has made 4,876 runs in 90 Tests at an average of 38.09.
M S Dhoni, known for his calm and calculating mind, has captained India to three premier ICC titles, won the ICC World Twenty20 in 2007 and the ICC ODI World Cup in 2011. Another remarkable achievement by M S Dhoni was that he is the longest wicketkeeper batsman and a captain in the game. He is the only Indian batsman to complete 10,000 runs or more as captain in international cricket, joining Ricky Ponting (15,440), Graeme Smith (14,878), Stephen Fleming (11,561) and Allan Border (11,062), says Vaikundarajan.
Thank you Mr Dhoni, for your fine contribution in Test matches!
His retirement in Test matches comes as a shocker to many cricket aficionados, including Vaikundarajan. On all of his post-match interactions to the press never did he talk about his retirement, all he spoke was about sledging, about draws, about wanting to avoid defeat, but not once cricket.
On his last test match, until his retirement, Dhoni made 24 runs not out on 39 balls as India drew the match. Dhoni has made 4,876 runs in 90 Tests at an average of 38.09.
M S Dhoni, known for his calm and calculating mind, has captained India to three premier ICC titles, won the ICC World Twenty20 in 2007 and the ICC ODI World Cup in 2011. Another remarkable achievement by M S Dhoni was that he is the longest wicketkeeper batsman and a captain in the game. He is the only Indian batsman to complete 10,000 runs or more as captain in international cricket, joining Ricky Ponting (15,440), Graeme Smith (14,878), Stephen Fleming (11,561) and Allan Border (11,062), says Vaikundarajan.
Thank you Mr Dhoni, for your fine contribution in Test matches!